Unveiling the Inner Workings of a 4-Inch Centrifugal Fan


Centrifugal fans are widely used in various industries and applications for efficient air movement. These fans utilize centrifugal force to generate airflow, making them suitable for applications that require higher pressures or greater resistance to airflow. In this article, we will delve into the inner workings of a 4-inch centrifugal fan, exploring its construction, operational principles, and key advantages.

Understanding the Construction of a 4-Inch Centrifugal Fan

A 4-inch centrifugal fan consists of several essential components that work together to create airflow:

  1. Impeller: The impeller is the heart of the centrifugal fan. It is a rotating disc with curved blades or vanes that draw in and accelerate air radially. The impeller is mounted on a shaft connected to an electric motor, which provides the necessary rotational power.
  2. Housing: The impeller is housed in a casing that directs the airflow and contains the generated pressure. The housing features an inlet where air enters the fan and a discharge outlet where the pressurized air is expelled.
  3. Scroll or Diffuser: Some centrifugal fans incorporate a scroll or diffuser, a progressively expanding section of the housing that converts the high-speed, low-pressure air from the impeller into higher pressure and lower velocity airflow. The scroll helps optimize the fan’s performance by increasing pressure efficiency.

Operational Principles of a 4-Inch Centrifugal Fan

  1. Air Intake: The fan draws in air through the inlet located at the center of the impeller. As the impeller rotates, the air is captured by the curved blades and forced outward due to centrifugal force.
  2. Air Acceleration: The curved blades of the impeller impart kinetic energy to the air, accelerating it radially outward. This acceleration increases the air’s velocity and generates a pressure differential between the inlet and outlet of the fan.
  3. Pressure Generation: As the high-speed air exits the impeller, it enters the housing and encounters the scroll or diffuser. The scroll progressively expands, converting the high-velocity airflow into higher pressure and lower velocity airflow. This process leads to the generation of static pressure within the fan.
  4. Air Discharge: The pressurized air is expelled through the discharge outlet of the fan, creating a directed airflow. The discharged air can be directed to specific areas or connected to ductwork for ventilation or air circulation purposes.

Advantages of a 4-Inch Centrifugal Fan

  1. Increased Pressure Capability: Centrifugal fans, including 4-inch models, excel at generating higher pressures compared to other fan types. This makes them suitable for applications that require overcoming resistance to airflow, such as HVAC systems, industrial ventilation, and air pollution control.
  2. Versatility: 4-inch centrifugal fans are available in various configurations, offering flexibility for different installation requirements. They can be designed for either inline or ducted installations, making them useful in space-constrained environments.
  3. Efficiency: Centrifugal fans are known for their high efficiency in converting motor power into airflow. The curved blades of the impeller and the scroll or diffuser optimize the fan’s performance, resulting in improved energy efficiency and reduced operating costs.
  4. Noise Reduction: The design of centrifugal fans, particularly those with a scroll or diffuser, helps reduce noise levels compared to other fan types. This makes them suitable for applications where noise control is important, such as residential HVAC systems or office environments.


A 4-inch centrifugal fan, with its construction and operational principles, offers efficient airflow generation and pressure capabilities for various applications. By utilizing centrifugal force, these fans provide increased pressure and airflow resistance compared to other fan types. Their versatility, efficiency, and noise reduction characteristics make them valuable components in HVAC systems, industrial ventilation, 4 inch centrifugal fan and other applications where precise airflow control and efficient air movement are crucial. With ongoing advancements in fan technology, 4-inch centrifugal fans continue to play a vital role in enhancing air circulation and ventilation systems in diverse industries.

4 inch centrifugal fan